Source code for postprocesor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Postprocessor subroutines

This module contains functions to postprocess results.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
import solidspy.femutil as fe
import solidspy.uelutil as uel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation

# Set plotting defaults
gray = '#757575'
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = "YlGnBu_r"
plt.rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "cm"
plt.rcParams["text.color"] = gray
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 12
plt.rcParams["xtick.color"] = gray
plt.rcParams["ytick.color"] = gray
plt.rcParams["axes.labelcolor"] = gray
plt.rcParams["axes.edgecolor"] = gray
plt.rcParams["axes.spines.right"] = False
plt.rcParams[""] = False

#%% Plotting routines
[docs]def fields_plot(elements, nodes, disp, E_nodes=None, S_nodes=None): """Plot contours for displacements, strains and stresses Parameters ---------- nodes : ndarray (float) Array with number and nodes coordinates: `number coordX coordY BCX BCY` elements : ndarray (int) Array with the node number for the nodes that correspond to each element. disp : ndarray (float) Array with the displacements. E_nodes : ndarray (float) Array with strain field in the nodes. S_nodes : ndarray (float) Array with stress field in the nodes. """ # Check for structural elements in the mesh struct_pos = 5 in elements[:, 1] or \ 6 in elements[:, 1] or \ 7 in elements[:, 1] if struct_pos: # Still not implemented visualization for structural elements print(disp) else: plot_node_field(disp, nodes, elements, title=[r"$u_x$", r"$u_y$"], figtitle=["Horizontal displacement", "Vertical displacement"]) if E_nodes is not None: plot_node_field(E_nodes, nodes, elements, title=[r"$\epsilon_{xx}$", r"$\epsilon_{yy}$", r"$\gamma_{xy}$",], figtitle=["Strain epsilon-xx", "Strain epsilon-yy", "Strain gamma-xy"]) if S_nodes is not None: plot_node_field(S_nodes, nodes, elements, title=[r"$\sigma_{xx}$", r"$\sigma_{yy}$", r"$\tau_{xy}$",], figtitle=["Stress sigma-xx", "Stress sigma-yy", "Stress tau-xy"])
[docs]def tri_plot(tri, field, title="", levels=12, savefigs=False, plt_type="contourf", filename="solution_plot.pdf"): """Plot contours over triangulation Parameters ---------- tri : ndarray (float) Array with number and nodes coordinates: `number coordX coordY BCX BCY` field : ndarray (float) Array with data to be plotted for each node. title : string (optional) Title of the plot. levels : int (optional) Number of levels to be used in ``contourf``. savefigs : bool (optional) Allow to save the figure. plt_type : string (optional) Plot the field as one of the options: ``pcolor`` or ``contourf`` filename : string (optional) Filename to save the figures. """ if plt_type == "pcolor": disp_plot = plt.tripcolor elif plt_type == "contourf": disp_plot = plt.tricontourf disp_plot(tri, field, levels, shading="gouraud") plt.title(title) plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical') plt.axis("image") if savefigs: plt.savefig(filename)
[docs]def plot_node_field(field, nodes, elements, plt_type="contourf", levels=12, savefigs=False, title=None, figtitle=None, filename=None): """Plot the nodal displacement using a triangulation Parameters ---------- field : ndarray (float) Array with the field to be plotted. The number of columns determine the number of plots. nodes : ndarray (float) Array with number and nodes coordinates `number coordX coordY BCX BCY` elements : ndarray (int) Array with the node number for the nodes that correspond to each element. plt_type : string (optional) Plot the field as one of the options: ``pcolor`` or ``contourf``. levels : int (optional) Number of levels to be used in ``contourf``. savefigs : bool (optional) Allow to save the figure. title : Tuple of strings (optional) Titles of the plots. If not provided the plots will not have a title. figtitle : Tuple of strings (optional) Titles of the plotting windows. If not provided the windows will not have a title. filename : Tuple of strings (optional) Filenames to save the figures. Only used when `savefigs=True`. If not provided the name of the figures would be "outputk.pdf", where `k` is the number of the column. """ tri = mesh2tri(nodes, elements) if len(field.shape) == 1: nfields = 1 else: _, nfields = field.shape if title is None: title = ["" for cont in range(nfields)] if figtitle is None: figs = plt.get_fignums() nfigs = len(figs) figtitle = [cont + 1 for cont in range(nfigs, nfigs + nfields)] if filename is None: filename = ["output{}.pdf".format(cont) for cont in range(nfields)] for cont in range(nfields): if nfields == 1: current_field = field else: current_field = field[:, cont] plt.figure(figtitle[cont]) tri_plot(tri, current_field, title=title[cont], levels=levels, plt_type=plt_type, savefigs=savefigs, filename=filename[cont]) if savefigs: plt.savefig(filename[cont])
[docs]def plot_truss(nodes, elements, mats, stresses=None, max_val=4, min_val=0.5, savefigs=False, title=None, figtitle=None, filename=None): """Plot a truss and encodes the stresses in a colormap Parameters ---------- UC : (nnodes, 2) ndarray (float) Array with the displacements. nodes : ndarray (float) Array with number and nodes coordinates `number coordX coordY BCX BCY` elements : ndarray (int) Array with the node number for the nodes that correspond to each element. mats : ndarray (float) Array with material profiles. loads : ndarray (float) Array with loads. tol : float (optional) Minimum difference between cross-section areas of the members to be considered different. savefigs : bool (optional) Allow to save the figure. title : Tuple of strings (optional) Titles of the plots. If not provided the plots will not have a title. figtitle : Tuple of strings (optional) Titles of the plotting windows. If not provided the windows will not have a title. filename : Tuple of strings (optional) Filenames to save the figures. Only used when `savefigs=True`. If not provided the name of the figures would be "outputk.pdf", where `k` is the number of the column. """ min_area = mats[:, 1].min() max_area = mats[:, 1].max() areas = mats[:, 1].copy() if stresses is None: scaled_stress = np.ones_like(elements[:, 0]) else: max_stress = max(-stresses.min(), stresses.max()) scaled_stress = 0.5*(stresses + max_stress)/max_stress if max_area - min_area > 1e-6: widths = (max_val - min_val)*(areas - min_area)/(max_area - min_area)\ + min_val else: widths = 3*np.ones_like(areas) plt.figure(figtitle) for elem in elements: ini, end = elem[3:] color =[elem[0]]) plt.plot([nodes[ini, 1], nodes[end, 1]], [nodes[ini, 2], nodes[end, 2]], color=color, lw=widths[elem[2]]) if title is None: title = '' if figtitle is None: figtitle = "" if filename is None: filename = "output.pdf" plt.title(title) plt.axis("image") if savefigs: plt.savefig(filename)
#%% Auxiliar functions for plotting
[docs]def mesh2tri(nodes, elements): """Generate a matplotlib.tri.Triangulation object from the mesh Parameters ---------- nodes : ndarray (float) Array with number and nodes coordinates: `number coordX coordY BCX BCY` elements : ndarray (int) Array with the node number for the nodes that correspond to each element. Returns ------- tri : Triangulation An unstructured triangular grid consisting of npoints points and ntri triangles. """ coord_x = nodes[:, 1] coord_y = nodes[:, 2] triangs = [] for elem in elements: if elem[1] == 1: triangs.append(elem[[3, 4, 5]]) triangs.append(elem[[5, 6, 3]]) if elem[1] == 2: triangs.append(elem[[3, 6, 8]]) triangs.append(elem[[6, 7, 8]]) triangs.append(elem[[6, 4, 7]]) triangs.append(elem[[7, 5, 8]]) if elem[1] == 3: triangs.append(elem[3:]) tri = Triangulation(coord_x, coord_y, np.array(triangs)) return tri
#%% Auxiliar variables computation
[docs]def complete_disp(IBC, nodes, UG): """ Fill the displacement vectors with imposed and computed values. IBC : ndarray (int) IBC (Indicator of Boundary Conditions) indicates if the nodes has any type of boundary conditions applied to it. UG : ndarray (float) Array with the computed displacements. nodes : ndarray (float) Array with number and nodes coordinates Returns ------- UC : (nnodes, 2) ndarray (float) Array with the displacements. """ nnodes = nodes.shape[0] UC = np.zeros([nnodes, 2], dtype=np.float) for row in range(nnodes): for col in range(2): cons = IBC[row, col] if cons == -1: UC[row, col] = 0.0 else: UC[row, col] = UG[cons] return UC
[docs]def strain_nodes(nodes, elements, mats, UC): """Compute averaged strains and stresses at nodes First, the variable is extrapolated from the Gauss point to nodes for each element. Then, these values are averaged according to the number of element that share that node. The theory for this technique can be found in [1]_. Parameters ---------- nodes : ndarray (float). Array with nodes coordinates. elements : ndarray (int) Array with the node number for the nodes that correspond to each element. mats : ndarray (float) Array with material profiles. UC : ndarray (float) Array with the displacements. This one contains both, the computed and imposed values. Returns ------- E_nodes : ndarray Strains evaluated at the nodes. References ---------- .. [1] O.C. Zienkiewicz and J.Z. Zhu, The Superconvergent patch recovery and a posteriori error estimators. Part 1. The recovery technique, Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 33, 1331-1364 (1992). """ nelems = elements.shape[0] nnodes = nodes.shape[0] iet = elements[0, 1] ndof, nnodes_elem, _ = fe.eletype(iet) elcoor = np.zeros([nnodes_elem, 2]) E_nodes = np.zeros([nnodes, 3]) S_nodes = np.zeros([nnodes, 3]) el_nodes = np.zeros([nnodes], dtype=int) ul = np.zeros([ndof]) IELCON = elements[:, 3:] for i in range(nelems): young, poisson = mats[[i, 2]), :] shear = young/(2*(1 + poisson)) fact1 = young/(1 - poisson**2) fact2 = poisson*young/(1 - poisson**2) for j in range(nnodes_elem): elcoor[j, 0] = nodes[IELCON[i, j], 1] elcoor[j, 1] = nodes[IELCON[i, j], 2] ul[2*j] = UC[IELCON[i, j], 0] ul[2*j + 1] = UC[IELCON[i, j], 1] if iet == 1: epsG, _ = fe.str_el4(elcoor, ul) elif iet == 2: epsG, _ = fe.str_el6(elcoor, ul) elif iet == 3: epsG, _ = fe.str_el3(elcoor, ul) for cont, node in enumerate(IELCON[i, :]): E_nodes[node, 0] = E_nodes[node, 0] + epsG[cont, 0] E_nodes[node, 1] = E_nodes[node, 1] + epsG[cont, 1] E_nodes[node, 2] = E_nodes[node, 2] + epsG[cont, 2] S_nodes[node, 0] = S_nodes[node, 0] + fact1*epsG[cont, 0] \ + fact2*epsG[cont, 1] S_nodes[node, 1] = S_nodes[node, 1] + fact2*epsG[cont, 0] \ + fact1*epsG[cont, 1] S_nodes[node, 2] = S_nodes[node, 2] + shear*epsG[cont, 2] el_nodes[node] = el_nodes[node] + 1 E_nodes[:, 0] = E_nodes[:, 0]/el_nodes E_nodes[:, 1] = E_nodes[:, 1]/el_nodes E_nodes[:, 2] = E_nodes[:, 2]/el_nodes S_nodes[:, 0] = S_nodes[:, 0]/el_nodes S_nodes[:, 1] = S_nodes[:, 1]/el_nodes S_nodes[:, 2] = S_nodes[:, 2]/el_nodes return E_nodes, S_nodes
[docs]def stress_truss(nodes, elements, mats, disp): r"""Compute axial stresses in truss members Parameters ---------- nodes : ndarray (float). Array with nodes coordinates. elements : ndarray (int) Array with the node number for the nodes that correspond to each element. mats : ndarray (float) Array with material profiles. disp : ndarray (float) Array with the displacements. This one contains both, the computed and imposed values. Returns ------- stress : ndarray Stresses for each member on the truss Examples -------- The following examples are taken from [1]_. In all the examples :math:`A=1`, :math:`E=1`. >>> import assemutil as ass >>> import solidspy.solutil as sol >>> def fem_sol(nodes, elements, mats, loads): ... DME , IBC , neq = ass.DME(nodes, elements) ... KG = ass.assembler(elements, mats, nodes, neq, DME) ... RHSG = ass.loadasem(loads, IBC, neq) ... UG = sol.static_sol(KG, RHSG) ... UC = complete_disp(IBC, nodes, UG) ... return UC **Exercise 3.3-18** The axial stresses in this example are .. math:: [\sigma] = \left[\frac{1}{2},\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4},\frac{1}{4}\right] >>> nodes = np.array([ ... [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, -1], ... [1, -1.0, 0.0, -1, -1], ... [2, -np.cos(np.pi/6), -np.sin(np.pi/6), -1, -1], ... [3, -np.cos(np.pi/3), -np.sin(np.pi/3), -1, -1]]) >>> mats = np.array([[1.0, 1.0]]) >>> elements = np.array([ ... [0, 6, 0, 1, 0], ... [1, 6, 0, 2, 0], ... [2, 6, 0, 3, 0]]) >>> loads = np.array([[0, 1.0, 0]]) >>> disp = fem_sol(nodes, elements, mats, loads) >>> stress = stress_truss(nodes, elements, mats, disp) >>> stress_exact = np.array([1/2, np.sqrt(3)/4, 1/4]) >>> np.allclose(stress_exact, stress) True **Exercise 3.3-19** The axial stresses in this example are .. math:: [\sigma] = \left[\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}+2}, \frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{2}+1}, \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}+2}\right] >>> nodes = np.array([ ... [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0], ... [1, -1.0, -1.0, -1, -1], ... [2, 0.0, -1.0, -1, -1], ... [3, 1.0, -1.0, -1, -1]]) >>> mats = np.array([[1.0, 1.0]]) >>> elements = np.array([ ... [0, 6, 0, 1, 0], ... [1, 6, 0, 2, 0], ... [2, 6, 0, 3, 0]]) >>> loads = np.array([[0, 0, 1]]) >>> disp = fem_sol(nodes, elements, mats, loads) >>> stress = stress_truss(nodes, elements, mats, disp) >>> stress_exact = np.array([ ... 1/(np.sqrt(2) + 2), ... np.sqrt(2)/(np.sqrt(2) + 1), ... 1/(np.sqrt(2) + 2)]) >>> np.allclose(stress_exact, stress) True **Exercise 3.3-22** The axial stresses in this example are .. math:: [\sigma] =\left[\frac{1}{3 \sqrt{2}},\frac{5}{12}, \frac{1}{2^{\frac{3}{2}}}, \frac{1}{12}, -\frac{1}{3 \sqrt{2}}\right] >>> cathetus = np.cos(np.pi/4) >>> nodes = np.array([ ... [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0], ... [1, -1.0, 0.0, -1, -1], ... [2, -cathetus, cathetus, -1, -1], ... [3, 0.0, 1.0, -1, -1], ... [4, cathetus, cathetus, -1, -1], ... [5, 1.0, 0.0, -1, -1]]) >>> mats = np.array([[1.0, 1.0]]) >>> elements = np.array([ ... [0, 6, 0, 1, 0], ... [1, 6, 0, 2, 0], ... [2, 6, 0, 3, 0], ... [3, 6, 0, 4, 0], ... [4, 6, 0, 5, 0]]) >>> loads = np.array([[0, cathetus, -cathetus]]) >>> disp = fem_sol(nodes, elements, mats, loads) >>> stress = stress_truss(nodes, elements, mats, disp) >>> stress_exact = np.array([ ... 1/(3*np.sqrt(2)), ... 5/12, ... 1/2**(3/2), ... 1/12, ... -1/(3*np.sqrt(2))]) >>> np.allclose(stress_exact, stress) True References ---------- .. [1] William Weaver and James Gere. Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures. Third Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York (1990). """ neles = elements.shape[0] stress = np.zeros((neles)) for cont in range(neles): ini = elements[cont, 3] end = elements[cont, 4] coords = nodes[[ini, end], 1:3] tan_vec = coords[1, :] - coords[0, :] length = np.linalg.norm(tan_vec) mat_id = elements[cont, 2] local_stiff = uel.ueltruss2D(coords, * mats[mat_id, :]) local_disp = np.hstack((disp[ini, :], disp[end, :])) local_forces = stress[cont] = local_forces[2:].dot(tan_vec)/(length*mats[mat_id, 1]) return stress
[docs]def eigvals(mat, tol=1e-6): """Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a 2x2 symmetric matrix/tensor Parameters ---------- mat : ndarray Symmetric matrix. tol : float (optional) Tolerance for considering a matrix diagonal. Returns ------- eig1 : float First eigenvalue. eig2 : float Second eigenvalue. vec1 : ndarray First eigenvector. vec2 : ndarray Second eigenvector Examples -------- >>> mat = np.array([[5, 6], ... [6, 9]]) >>> eig1, eig2, vec1, vec2 = eigvals(mat) >>> np.allclose(eig1, 7 + 2*np.sqrt(10)) True >>> np.allclose(eig2, 7 - 2*np.sqrt(10)) True >>> np.allclose(vec1, np.array([-0.584710284663765, -0.8112421851755609])) True >>> np.allclose(vec2, np.array([-0.8112421851755609,0.584710284663765])) True """ if np.abs(mat).max() < tol: eig1 = 0.0 eig2 = 0.0 vec1 = np.array([np.NaN, np.NaN]) vec2 = np.array([np.NaN, np.NaN]) elif abs(mat[0, 1])/np.abs(mat).max() < tol: eig1 = mat[0, 0] eig2 = mat[1, 1] vec1 = np.array([1, 0]) vec2 = np.array([0, 1]) else: trace = mat[0, 0] + mat[1, 1] det = mat[0, 0]*mat[1, 1] - mat[0, 1]**2 eig1 = 0.5*(trace - np.sqrt(trace**2 - 4*det)) eig2 = 0.5*(trace + np.sqrt(trace**2 - 4*det)) vec1 = np.array([mat[0, 0] - eig2, mat[0, 1]]) vec1 = vec1/np.sqrt(vec1[0]**2 + vec1[1]**2) vec2 = np.array([-vec1[1], vec1[0]]) if abs(eig2) > abs(eig1): eig2, eig1 = eig1, eig2 vec2, vec1 = vec1, vec2 return eig1, eig2, vec1, vec2
[docs]def principal_dirs(field): """Compute the principal directions of a tensor field Parameters ---------- field : ndarray Tensor field. The tensor is written as "vector" using Voigt notation. Returns ------- eigs1 : ndarray Array with the first eigenvalues. eigs2 : ndarray Array with the second eigenvalues. vecs1 : ndarray Array with the first eigenvectors. vecs2 : ndarray Array with the Second eigenvector. """ num = field.shape[0] eigs1 = np.empty((num)) eigs2 = np.empty((num)) vecs1 = np.empty((num, 2)) vecs2 = np.empty((num, 2)) mat = np.zeros((2, 2)) for cont, tensor in enumerate(field): mat[0, 0] = tensor[0] mat[1, 1] = tensor[1] mat[0, 1] = tensor[2] eig1, eig2, vec1, vec2 = eigvals(mat, tol=1e-6) eigs1[cont] = eig1 eigs2[cont] = eig2 vecs1[cont, :] = vec1 vecs2[cont, :] = vec2 return eigs1, eigs2, vecs1, vecs2
[docs]def energy(disp, stiff): r""" Computes the potential energy for the current solution. Parameters ---------- disp : ndarray (float) Array with the computed displacements. stiff : ndarray (float) Global stiffness matrix. Returns ------- el_energy : scalar (float) Total energy in the system. :math:`-\frac{1}{2} U^T K U` """ force = el_energy = -0.5* return el_energy
#%% Doc-testing if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()