Source code for preprocesor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Preprocessor subroutines

This module contains functions to preprocess the input files to compute
a Finite Element Analysis.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
import numpy as np

[docs]def readin(folder=""): """Read the input files""" nodes = np.loadtxt(folder + 'nodes.txt', ndmin=2) mats = np.loadtxt(folder + 'mater.txt', ndmin=2) elements = np.loadtxt(folder + 'eles.txt', ndmin=2, loads = np.loadtxt(folder + 'loads.txt', ndmin=2) return nodes, mats, elements, loads
[docs]def echomod(nodes, mats, elements, loads, folder=""): """Create echoes of the model input files""" np.savetxt(folder + "KNODES.txt", nodes, fmt='%5.2f', delimiter=' ') np.savetxt(folder + "KMATES.txt", mats, fmt='%5.2f', delimiter=' ') np.savetxt(folder + "KELEMS.txt", elements, fmt='%d', delimiter=' ') np.savetxt(folder + "KLOADS.txt", loads, fmt='%5.2f', delimiter=' ')
[docs]def initial_params(): """Read initial parameters for the simulation The parameters to be read are: - folder: location of the input files. - name: name for the output files (if echo is True). - echo: echo output files. """ # Check Python version version = sys.version_info.major if version == 3: global raw_input raw_input = input elif version == 2: pass else: raise ValueError("You should use Python 2.x at least!") # Try to run with easygui try: import easygui folder = easygui.diropenbox(title="Folder for the job") + "/" except: folder = raw_input('Enter folder (empty for the current one): ') return folder
[docs]def ele_writer(cells, cell_data, ele_tag, phy_sur, ele_type, mat_tag, nini): """ Extracts a subset of elements from a complete mesh according to the physical surface phy_sur and writes down the proper fields into an elements array. Parameters ---------- cell : dictionary Dictionary created by meshio with cells information. cell_data: dictionary Dictionary created by meshio with cells data information. ele_tag : string Element type according to meshio convention, e.g., quad9 or line3. phy_sur : int Physical surface for the subset. ele_type: int Element type. mat_tag : int Material profile for the subset. ndof : int Number of degrees of freedom for the elements. nnode : int Number of nodes for the element. nini : int Element id for the first element in the set. Returns ------- nf : int Element id for the last element in the set els_array : int Elemental data. """ eles = cells[ele_tag] dict_nnode = {'triangle': 3, 'triangle6': 6, 'quad': 4} nnode = dict_nnode[ele_tag] phy_surface = cell_data[ele_tag]['gmsh:physical'] ele_id = [cont for cont, _ in enumerate(phy_surface[:]) if phy_surface[cont] == phy_sur] els_array = np.zeros([len(ele_id) , 3 + nnode], dtype=int) els_array[: , 0] = range(nini , len(ele_id) + nini ) els_array[: , 1] = ele_type els_array[: , 2] = mat_tag els_array[: , 3::] = eles[ele_id, :] nf = nini + len(ele_id) return nf , els_array
[docs]def node_writer(points , point_data): """Write nodal data as required by SolidsPy Parameters ---------- points : dictionary Nodal points point_data : dictionary Physical data associatted to the nodes. Returns ------- nodes_array : ndarray (int) Array with the nodal data according to SolidsPy. """ nodes_array = np.zeros([points.shape[0], 5]) nodes_array[:, 0] = range(points.shape[0]) nodes_array[:, 1:3] = points[:, :2] return nodes_array
[docs]def boundary_conditions(cells, cell_data, phy_lin, nodes_array, bc_x, bc_y): """Impose nodal point boundary conditions as required by SolidsPy Parameters ---------- cell : dictionary Dictionary created by meshio with cells information. cell_data: dictionary Dictionary created by meshio with cells data information. phy_lin : int Physical line where BCs are to be imposed. nodes_array : int Array with the nodal data and to be modified by BCs. bc_x, bc_y : int Boundary condition flag along the x and y direction: * -1: restrained * 0: free Returns ------- nodes_array : int Array with the nodal data after imposing BCs according to SolidsPy. """ lines = cells["line"] # Bounds contains data corresponding to the physical line. phy_line = cell_data["line"]["gmsh:physical"] id_frontera = [cont for cont in range(len(phy_line)) if phy_line[cont] == phy_lin] nodes_frontera = lines[id_frontera] nodes_frontera = nodes_frontera.flatten() nodes_frontera = list(set(nodes_frontera)) nodes_array[nodes_frontera, 3] = bc_x nodes_array[nodes_frontera, 4] = bc_y return nodes_array
[docs]def loading(cells, cell_data, phy_lin, P_x, P_y): """Impose nodal boundary conditions as required by SolidsPy Parameters ---------- cell : dictionary Dictionary created by meshio with cells information. cell_data: dictionary Dictionary created by meshio with cells data information. phy_lin : int Physical line where BCs are to be imposed. nodes_array : int Array with the nodal data and to be modified by BCs. P_x, P_y : float Load components in x and y directions. Returns ------- nodes_array : int Array with the nodal data after imposing BCs according to SolidsPy. """ lines = cells["line"] # Bounds contains data corresponding to the physical line. phy_line = cell_data["line"]["gmsh:physical"] id_carga = [cont for cont in range(len(phy_line)) if phy_line[cont] == phy_lin] nodes_carga = lines[id_carga] nodes_carga = nodes_carga.flatten() nodes_carga = list(set(nodes_carga)) ncargas = len(nodes_carga) cargas = np.zeros((ncargas, 3)) cargas[:, 0] = nodes_carga cargas[:, 1] = P_x/ncargas cargas[:, 2] = P_y/ncargas return cargas
[docs]def rect_grid(length, height, nx, ny, eletype=None): """Generate a structured mesh for a rectangle The coordinates of the nodes will be defined in the domain [-length/2, length/2] x [-height/2, height/2]. Parameters ---------- length : float Length of the domain. height : gloat Height of the domain. nx : int Number of elements in the x direction. ny : int Number of elements in the y direction. eletype : None It does nothing right now. Returns ------- x : ndarray (float) x-coordinates for the nodes. y : ndarray (float) y-coordinates for the nodes. els : ndarray Array with element data. Examples -------- >>> x, y, els = rect_grid(2, 2, 2, 2) >>> x array([-1., 0., 1., -1., 0., 1., -1., 0., 1.]) >>> y array([-1., -1., -1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1.]) >>> els array([[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 3], [1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 5, 4], [2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 7, 6], [3, 1, 0, 4, 5, 8, 7]]) """ y, x = np.mgrid[-height/2:height/2:(ny + 1)*1j, -length/2:length/2:(nx + 1)*1j] els = np.zeros((nx*ny, 7), dtype=int) els[:, 1] = 1 for row in range(ny): for col in range(nx): cont = row*nx + col els[cont, 0] = cont els[cont, 3:7] = [cont + row, cont + row + 1, cont + row + nx + 2, cont + row + nx + 1] return x.flatten(), y.flatten(), els
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()