Source code for solids_GUI

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
solids_GUI: simple interface

Computes the displacement solution for a finite element assembly
of 2D solids under point loads using as input easy-to-create
text files containing element, nodal, materials and loads data.
The input files are created out of a Gmsh (.msh) generated file
using the Python module ``meshio``.

Created by Juan Gomez and Nicolas Guarin-Zapata as part of the courses:

- IC0283 Computational Modeling
- IC0602 Introduction to the Finite Element Method

Which are part of the Civil Engineering Department at Universidad

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import solidspy.preprocesor as pre
import solidspy.postprocesor as pos
import solidspy.assemutil as ass
import solidspy.solutil as sol

[docs]def solids_GUI(plot_contours=True, compute_strains=False, folder=None): """ Run a complete workflow for a Finite Element Analysis Parameters ---------- plot_contours : Bool (optional) Boolean variable to plot contours of the computed variables. By default it is True. compute_strains : Bool (optional) Boolean variable to compute Strains and Stresses at nodes. By default it is False. folder : string (optional) String with the path to the input files. If not provided it would ask for it in a pop-up window. Returns ------- UC : ndarray (nnodes, 2) Displacements at nodes. E_nodes : ndarray (nnodes, 3), optional Strains at nodes. It is returned when `compute_strains` is True. S_nodes : ndarray (nnodes, 3), optional Stresses at nodes. It is returned when `compute_strains` is True. """ if folder is None: folder = pre.initial_params() start_time = echo = False # Pre-processing nodes, mats, elements, loads = pre.readin(folder=folder) if echo: pre.echomod(nodes, mats, elements, loads, folder=folder) DME , IBC , neq = ass.DME(nodes, elements) print("Number of nodes: {}".format(nodes.shape[0])) print("Number of elements: {}".format(elements.shape[0])) print("Number of equations: {}".format(neq)) # System assembly KG = ass.assembler(elements, mats, nodes, neq, DME) RHSG = ass.loadasem(loads, IBC, neq) # System solution UG = sol.static_sol(KG, RHSG) if not(np.allclose(, RHSG/KG.max())): print("The system is not in equilibrium!") end_time = print('Duration for system solution: {}'.format(end_time - start_time)) # Post-processing start_time = UC = pos.complete_disp(IBC, nodes, UG) E_nodes, S_nodes = None, None if compute_strains: E_nodes, S_nodes = pos.strain_nodes(nodes , elements, mats, UC) if plot_contours: pos.fields_plot(elements, nodes, UC, E_nodes=E_nodes, S_nodes=S_nodes) end_time = print('Duration for post processing: {}'.format(end_time - start_time)) print('Analysis terminated successfully!') return (UC, E_nodes, S_nodes) if compute_strains else UC
if __name__ == '__main__': displacement = solids_GUI()